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Decomposition Type

Canonical Decomposition
Enclosing Mark
Final Presentation Form
Font specific Glyph
Initial Presentation Form
Isolated Presentation Form
Medial Presentation Form
Narrow Presentation Form
Square Form
Subscript Form
Superscript Form
Vertical Presentation Form
Wide Presentation Form


What is Decomposition Type
Decomposition Type in Unicode categorizes characters based on how they can be decomposed into simpler components. This property aids in text processing, allowing characters to be represented consistently across different contexts and systems.
How many Unicode Decomposition Type are there?
As of Unicode Version 15.0.0, there are 18 different Decomposition Type
What are some used Unicode Decomposition Type examples?
Canonical Decomposition, Compatibility, Enclosing Mark, Final Presentation Form and Font specific Glyph are some examples of Unicode Decomposition Type.