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Age Unicode version 1.1 was released in 1993. Therefore, if a character has the Age property with a value of 1.1, it means that the character was assigned in the year 1993 when Unicode version 1.1 was introduced.
Line Break A line break is recommended to occur at the position of a carriage return character. Carriage return characters are often used to indicate the end of a line or a new line in text processing systems, especially on platforms like older Macintosh systems.
Grapheme Cluster Break A grapheme cluster break should occur at the position of a carriage return character U+000D. Carriage return characters are often used to indicate the end of a line or a new line in text processing systems, especially on platforms like older Macintosh systems.
Word Break It means that a word break is recommended to occur at the position of a carriage return character. Carriage return characters are often used to indicate the end of a line or a new line in text processing systems, especially on platforms like older Macintosh systems.
Sentence Break It means that a sentence break is recommended to occur at the position of a carriage return character. Carriage return characters are often used to indicate the end of a line or a new line in text processing systems, especially on platforms like older Macintosh systems.
Script The Osage script, also known as the Osage syllabary, is a writing system developed in the early 19th century by members of the Osage Nation, a Native American tribe primarily located in present-day Oklahoma, USA. The script was created to write the Osage language, a Siouan language spoken by the Osage people.
Block The Osage block in Unicode includes characters for representing the letters, ligatures, punctuation marks, and other symbols of the Osage script. This block encompasses characters specifically designed for writing the Osage script.

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Why is it important to find Unicode properties and values?

The importance of Unicode properties and values lies in providing a standardized way to represent and understand text across different devices and platforms. Unicode properties describe various attributes of these characters, such as their script, category, and properties like whether they are letters, numbers, or symbols.
Understanding Unicode properties and values is crucial for:
1. Consistent Representation: Unicode ensures that text displays consistently across devices and platforms, eliminating issues related to character encoding mismatches.
2. Multilingual Support: Unicode properties help support a wide range of languages and scripts, allowing users to communicate in diverse languages without compatibility issues.
3. Text Processing: Developers use Unicode properties to process and manipulate text effectively. For example, sorting, searching, and text rendering can be performed more accurately when considering Unicode properties.
4. Accessibility: Unicode properties contribute to making digital content more accessible. Descriptive properties and values assist in creating inclusive user experiences for people using assistive technologies.
5. Global Compatibility: Unicode facilitates global communication by providing a common standard for character encoding. It ensures that text can be exchanged and understood universally.